Usage examples

Usage examples

Creating a full-bodied coffee with depth and superior bitterness by reducing acidity

● It is thought that the flavor of coffee changes depending on the way it is roasted.
From more acidic light roasts to strongly bitter dark roasts, a wide variety of ground coffee blends can be bought at the store.

● However, the flavor of coffee depends on more than just the way it is roasted. It's a drink, so wouldn't you expect that the water used also affects the flavors that are captured?

● Taste sensors that model the human tongue have been widely used around the world since the early 2000s by research institutions, analysis centers, and food-related enterprises.

Here, we've evaluated the effects of alkaline ionized water on the flavor of coffee using one of these taste sensors.
The chart displays quantified values for the flavor of coffee using six specialized taste sensors.
Although the readings from the "roasting flavor" and "bitterness" sensors are roughly the same, the readings for "acidity" are lower for coffee made with alkaline ionized water when compared to coffee made with pure water.
Moreover, the readings for "richness" are higher.
Alkaline ionized water is widely believed to have excellent extraction capabilities. These are thought to draw out more of the coffee's richness, and the natural antacid properties of alkalinity work to suppress the coffee's excessive acidity.

Activities / Organizations

About alkaline ionized water apparatus

Effects and results of alkaline ionized water

c 2016 アルカリイオン整水器協議会.