Effects and results of alkaline ionized water

Alkaline Ionized Water Apparatus Market Trends

According to the Statistical Survey on Trends in Pharmaceutical Production (from the Health Policy Bureau of the Ministry of Health and Welfare), there are reports that in recent years the total quantity of shipments in the entire industry reached about 300,000 annually, and further expansion of the market is expected.(Statistics of Japan)

(Reference) Production Quantity of Medical Substance Generators “Alkaline Ionized Water Apparatus” (1989 ~ )

  Tank-type electrolytic water apparatus (Other) Continuous-type electrolytic water apparatus Total
1989 26,545 140,056 166,601
1990 23,458 104,387 127,845
1991 19,401 241,925 261,326
1992 24,205 1,001,105 1,025,310
1993 13,299 947,875 961,174
1994 13,186 322,869 336,055
1995 15,957 230,307 246,264
1996 4,039 253,360 257,399
1997 1,899 269,755 271,654
1998 304 -441,876
1999 337 263,647 263,984
2000 584 263,647 264,231
2001 945 295,503 296,448
2002 700 427,768 428,468
2003 309 353,792 354,101
2004 310 375,524 375,834
2005 200 291,576 291,776
2006 190 369,939 370,129
2007 121 263,417 263,538
2008 142 218,492 218,634
2009 6,850 200,269 207,119
2010 100 192,455 192,555
2011 0 139,973 139,973
2012 0 175,667 175,667
2013 0 161,100 161,100
2014 0 216,030 216,030
2015 0 206,106 206,106
2016 1,347 185,429 186,776
2017 3,010 140,086 143,096
2018 7,900 117,378 125,278
2019 0 195,396 195,396
2020 0 209,119 209,119
2021 0 231,273 231,273
2022 0 216,693 216,693
2023 0 263,096 263,096

Since the stated quantity for January 1998 was about 10 times that of a normal month, the value was determined to be unclear and the quantity used for that month is a corrected estimate made by the association.

Graph of the above table (Values rounded off to thousands)

Activities / Organizations

About alkaline ionized water apparatus

Effects and results of alkaline ionized water

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