Usage examples

Usage examples

Boiling Vegetables
Boiled vegetables become more vivid
By using alkaline ionized water to boil vegetables, they will cook to a vivid color even without using salt.

In an experiment using spinach, we confirmed that the amount of vitamin C that remained in the spinach cooked in alkaline ionized water was more than double that of the spinach cooked in pure water.
This works excellently for pre-cooked salads.
While the 100 g of spinach cooked in pure water only had 12.0 mg of vitamin C, the 100 g of spinach cooked in alkaline ionized water had 28.9 mg.

Cooked vegetables become softer!

After cooking daikon in a mixture of water and food coloring and then measuring the distance the coloring pervaded the daikon...

■ Distance coloring pervaded (mm)

Pure water
Alkaline ionized water
20 minutes after removal from heat
120 minutes after removal from heat

We measured that the daikon cooked in alkaline ionized water was softer and the distance the coloring pervaded it was greater than that of the daikon cooked in pure water.

【Side Note】
The reason that vegetables become softer when cooked is because pectin, a polysaccharide found in cell walls, gets broken down and becomes water-soluble. The amount of water-soluble pectin in vegetables cooked in alkaline ionized water is greater than in those cooked in pure water.

Activities / Organizations

About alkaline ionized water apparatus

Effects and results of alkaline ionized water

c 2016 アルカリイオン整水器協議会.